Leadership & Staff

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Martin J Clarke

Lead Pastor

Martin J Clarke

Martin is passionate about the local church, eagerly desiring that it journeys forward with great vibrancy and authenticity; deeply rooted in the Scriptures and shaping all aspects of ministry around the beauty and wonder of the gospel.

Scott MacDonald

Hillview Pastor

Scott MacDonald

Scott has a passion to see disciples grow in Christ. Grow is the key word. Growth begins the day that Jesus gives us revelation of His love and our need of Him, all the way up to the moment we enter into eternity.


Colin Deddis

Hillview Elder

Colin Deddis

Colin has served in church leadership roles since 2001 and currently has elder responsibility for finances at Hillview Community Church

Colin Ross

Kintore Elder

Colin Ross

Among a number of elder responsibilities, Colin is actively involved in the worship band. He is passionate about seeing young people grow in faith.

Charlie Carnochan

Kintore Elder

Charlie Carnochan

Charlie enjoys being part of the teams involved in the Kintore outreach events, especially Ignite. He has also served tirelessly by leading the Kintore AV team - helping with the sound and visuals.


Dan McElderry

Dan McElderry

Ministry Worker

Dan is passionate to see members of the local church sent out into their schools, sports teams, workplaces, streets and more to proclaim the good news of Jesus.