BMS World Mission

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BMS works among some of the most marginalised and least evangelised people, in some of the most fragile places on earth. The highest goal of all we do is to bring people to faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and an experience of the abundant life that only he can provide. 

As a Christian mission organisation, we aim to share life in all its fullness with the world’s peoples by enabling them to know Christ, alleviating suffering and injustice, improving the quality of life with people as our primary agents of change – motivating, training, sending and resourcing them. 

BMS aim to bring life in all its fullness through seven key ministries: church, development, education, health, justice, leadership and relief with the target of seeing 1 million lives transformed by 2020! 

Church Ministries: Evangelism, church planting and supporting indigenous pastors: BMS World Mission church ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us to send church planting teams among people who have never heard the gospel. You employ pastors and support new and historic unions of the faithful. You nurture culturally relevant expressions of Christianity and pioneer expressions of church, led by local believers. You provide discipleship training for new Christians and support local churches as they serve and reach out to their communities in practical ways. You make the love and saving power of Jesus known. Through BMS church ministries, every day, you are growing and strengthening the Body of Christ.

Development Ministires: Practical, sensitive and sustainable compassion for the poor: BMS World Mission development ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us to consult with people who would otherwise be ignored by their governments and the world, to find out what they really need to thrive. You get entire communities involved in building their own latrines to prevent disease. You train farmers in profitable, environmentally sustainable methods. You help marginalised women and men help themselves by giving micro-loans and business education. You provide renewable energy in remote villages. You dig wells so that the thirsty may drink. Through BMS development ministries, every day, you are restoring dignity, caring for creation and freeing people from dependence.

Education Ministires: Levelling the playing field of inequality and giving children hope: BMS World Mission education ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us to run national curriculum schools on the streets for children sleeping rough. You train teachers how to move beyond rote learning and teach children to think for themselves. You give a fair start to disadvantaged girls and boys at preschool age, preparing them for education. You help adults learn English from Christians in countries where the language is prized and Christ’s teaching is forbidden. Through BMS education ministries, every day, you are sharing the blessing of knowledge and opening up futures of opportunity.

Health Ministires: Healing the sick, empowering those with disabilities and promoting wholeness: BMS World Mission health ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us to perform life-saving surgery in remote locations and give medicine to the poor. You teach entire villages about safe birthing and nutrition so that mums and babies stand a better chance. You give love and stimulation to children with disabilities and train doctors to

serve the poor. You teach mental health skills to counsellors for the traumatised. You help doctors and families reduce suffering and give the dying dignity and peace. Through BMS health ministries, every day, you are fighting pain and bringing life. You are saving and transforming lives.

Justice Ministries: Freeing the captives, speaking out for the voiceless and challenging the powers of this dark world: BMS World Mission justice ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us free women from the oppression of sexual slavery and educate churches about gender based violence. You campaign against systemic injustices both here and abroad. You stand in court and advocate for widows dispossessed of land. You teach poor communities about their rights and about laws protecting children from abuse. You help to set the wrongly remanded and unjustly accused free, and you visit those in prison. You encourage and enable Christian lawyers to use their skills to serve the vulnerable. Through BMS justice ministries, every day, you are breaking the chains of oppression.

Leadership Ministires: Investing in impact, supporting the World Church and empowering indigenous leaders: BMS World Mission leadership ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us strengthen the Body of Christ around the world by investing in its leaders. You train and educate future pastors for ministry in countries hostile to the gospel, from secular societies to those under Sharia Law. You support local leaders, freeing them to focus on strategy and outreach. You nurture theological education and scholarship, study that will enrich the global Church for decades. You train church leaders in how to serve their communities both spiritually and practically. Through BMS leadership ministries, every day, you are enabling global leaders to follow the leadership of Christ.

Relief Ministries: Responding to disasters with speed and local knowledge, investing in long-term recovery: BMS World Mission relief ministries are transforming lives. When you give to BMS, you help us be there for people whose lives have been devastated by disaster – both natural and human-made. You help us immediately meet the needs of those who have lost everything and you enable local Christians to keep on helping long after the media has forgotten about the tragedy. You enable us to help co-ordinate responses from agencies and individuals around the world, so that more help gets to those who need it most, and you help entire communities to be better prepared for future disasters. Through BMS relief ministries, every day, you are ensuring that desperate people get the help they need, no matter what their caste, gender or religion.

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